WECT coverage August 28, 2017


The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is opening a chapter in Wilmington, NC. We have been part of the Chaîne since 2010 and have enjoyed ourselves as well as earned recognition through them.

Below is some more information about the Chaîne:

The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is the world’s oldest international gastronomic society, founded in Paris in 1248. It is devoted to preserving the camaraderie and pleasures of the table and to promoting excellence in all areas of the hospitality arts. Each year the society sponsors young chef and sommelier competitions that attract contestants from throughout the world, while the Chaîne Foundation provides scholarships for students in these fields. Revived in 1950, the society has professional and amateur members in more than 80 countries worldwide. In the United States, there are nearly 125 bailliages (chapters), each offering a variety of culinary activities to suit the interests of local members.


  •  At local dinners, where chefs and vintners bring together the best of food and wine.
  • At regional gatherings, where members network and experience the best a region has to offer.
  • At national conventions in cities where the future of food and wine is being charted now.
  • At international events, where old-world manners and impeccable cuisine bring members together in a spirit of camaraderie.
  • At spirited theme and elegant formal events. • At Société Mondiale du Vin gatherings, where members learn about and experience wines and other crafted beverages of distinction.
  • On Brillat-Savarin trips, where members immerse themselves in the traditional food and beverages of a region.

Here’s the international website: http://www.chainedesrotisseurs.com

Here’s the national website: https://www.chaineus.org